Title: Lovely Complex Pairing: Dara/Jae-joong Character(s): the rest of DBSK and appearances from SM and YG Family Rating: PG Genre: Gender-bender, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Angst, AU
Title: Lovely Complex Pairing: Dara/Jae-joong Character(s): the rest of DBSK and appearances from SM and YG Family Rating: PG Genre: Gender-bender, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Angst, AU
Title: Lovely Complex Pairing: Dara/Jae-joong Character(s): the rest of DBSK and appearances from SM and YG Family Rating: PG Genre: Gender-bender, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Angst, AU
Title: Lovely Complex Pairing: Dara/Jae-joong Character(s): the rest of DBSK and appearances from SM and YG Family Rating: PG Genre: Gender-bender, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Angst, AU
Title: Lovely Complex Pairing: Dara/Jae-joong Character(s): the rest of DBSK and appearances from SM and YG Family Rating: PG Genre: Gender-bender, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Angst, AU
Title: Lovely Complex Pairing: Dara/Jae-joong Character(s): the rest of DBSK and appearances from SM and YG Family Rating: PG Genre: Gender-bender, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Angst, AU